Networking requires the right questions

Everyone knows that if you want to succeed in networking there is a personal relationship that is needed. In some way the people involved have to have some sort of connection relationally. It is very important to establish and maintain a positive and authentic interest in your business relationships. Without that, we are all just running around being self-serving. No one likes that type of person or will consider doing business with them for any reasonable length of time.

This week my post will be short and to the point. I found a great article at with some outstanding, interpersonal insight to business networking. Developing real relationship takes skill. Asking the right questions, building trust, and making that authentic connection are the foundation of a successful networking relationship.

To that end, Here are four great questions that you can ask when networking that build trust, connection, and authenticity in your networking relationship:

What do you like most about what you do?
This helps to get the conversation going and avoid that awkward pause after you both have shared your business dealings. Remember, this is not a qualification stage, there needs to authentic interest in the other person and what they are doing. Eventually they will stop talking about themselves and ask you the same question. Be ready with an answer.

You mentioned that you were in (industry), what got you started in that direction?
This gives the other person the opportunity to talk about their motivations, passions, and dedication to their business. This also allows you to start to understand the person, their experience, and commitment level.

Where else do you usually network?
This is a question that both builds a common connection as a networker, as well as sharing information that may be new to either party. This allows you both to talk about something that you know and are comfortable with.

What are some of your biggest challenges?
This is a question that comes after the conversation has been established. This gives the other person the opportunity to share their passions and direction of their business efforts.

How can I help you?
This comes at the end of the conversation when you feel the person may be a good fit to network with. As quoted in the article, “Being helpful is the best way to start building a solid relationship. For an experienced networker it’s a question that comes naturally, because that networker is one who has adopted the mindset of giving value and service to others without any thought of immediate return.” (Misner, 2010)

Being authentic and connected not only makes people feel better, it is better for your business in the long run.

Misner, I. (2010, June 8). Master networkers ask the right questions. Retrieved from

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7 Responses to Networking requires the right questions

  1. Cindy says:

    This is a great article, Tim. I agree with Ivan, People love to talk about themselves. The best thing you can do is let them. Any potential customer wants to know that you care about them and their business. My Mom once told me, “You never learn anything when you’re talking, always listen to the person you’re talking to and if you do talk, ask them questions about themselves.” I try to follow that advice whenever I’m conversing with a customer here at Insty-Prints. So far, it has served me well. Cindy…

  2. Tim says:

    Thanks Cindy. Your mom was very wise. I would have to agree that connecting authentically is one of the most important things that we can do within a business. Business is a personal endeavor and requires interaction and concern. I think that is what we strive for each and every day.

  3. WP Themes says:

    Good post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.

  4. Tim says:

    Thanks WP Theme, I am glad that you found it useful. That is the whole reason I do this. Have a great day.

  5. Medical Jobs says:

    I’ve recently started a blog, the information you provide on this site has helped me tremendously. Thank you for all of your time & work.

  6. Tim says:

    Thanks Medical Jobs for leaving a comment. I am glad that you found the information helpful and informative. I try very hard to have information that is useful and fresh.

  7. Billee Brady says:

    I was just networking with some of my associates and we were just talking about this very issue… You seem to have a great knowledge of this matter and I couldn’t agree more!

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