Archive for the Advertising Tag

Tips from the Trade

As a business owner you’ve likely had plenty of those “wake up in the middle of the night” anxiety attacks.  With all of the “hats” you have to wear, it’s no doubt that antacids or possibly even scotch can be found in the medicine cabinet.  There you are, tossing and turning, trying to figure out how to generate more revenue,
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7 tips to get the creative you really want

It has been said that a good strategy can make up for poor creative, but that good creative can never make up for poor strategy. A very true sentiment to be sure, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned in my 15 years in the marketing biz is that you can talk about strategy as much as you want, but
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QR Codes: 25 Marketing Uses

QR codes are a great technology to supercharge the links between the physical world and your online content. Take a look at 4 key mistakes to avoid if using this great technology and walk through 25 ways to use this marketing technology to benefit your business and give great added value to your customers. QR Codes: 25 Marketing Uses

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QR Codes

Have you seen these? The QR Code, what in the world is it? The QR Code is a two dimensional symbol that holds information, like websites and email addresses. It carries information in the vertical direction as well as the horizontal, hence the two-dimensional term. By carrying information in both directions, a QR Code can carry up to several hundred
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